While walking down the street of Lakeland, have you noticed millennials (the younger crowd) taking countless photos and videos of one another? Have you noticed a lone person making a selfie video? These might all make it into their personal blogs. Lakeland video production is a thing these days with personal blogs because it shows character and allows the bloggers to connect more with their viewers or readers.

Instead of simply writing posts after posts and trying to describe a place, a restaurant, or an experience, bloggers now create video blogs or vlogs. These are most successfully applied when a blogger is creating a travel blog.

Creates a connection

When you upload a video on your personal blog, it will easily create a connection with your viewers. Instead of you being a no-face person writing about your experiences, the viewers/readers will be able to see you and hear your voice. It will allow you to “talk” with your subscribers and make it seem like they are a part of your experience. It is also easier to communicate when you are talking rather than you are writing. This creates an instant connection that will make your subscribers want to get to know more about you or whatever it is you are selling—a product, a service, an advocacy, etc.

Shows your personality

Some writers have the power to show their personalities through the written word. Some are quirky. Some are super serious. Others are deep and mysterious. However, not a lot of bloggers are able to be their real selves when they write. More people are comfortable talking to, yes, a camera rather than putting their words on paper (okay, on the computer screen). A video is a great way to showcase your character to your audience.

Easily digested by viewers

What do studies say? Ah, yes, people are more inclined to watch a video rather than read a lengthy article. One, it takes more time to read. And two, it takes more effort to imagine what the author is trying to say or describe. A video, on the other hand, will take merely three minutes to five minutes of your time. The visuals are enough to tell a story that the blogger does not even have to utter a word. If you want more views and visits to your website, definitely put a video blog in there. You will see there’s a whole world of difference on the kind of attention you will get from internet consumers.