So picture this, if you will. You are starting out in the world of video production, and one day, you get a call. A potential client wants to work with you to come up with a great corporate video for their company. Of course, you jump at the opportunity, as this is your first big project, and if it goes well, then the client can refer you to others in the industry.

However, you realize that you’ve never worked with a client for a corporate video before, and you find out that it has a bit of a reputation for coming off as dull and unengaging for users. While you can certainly use your talent as a videographer to make this production great, you are unsure as to how you’re supposed to approach your clients.

There’s no need to fret, every big video production house has dealt with their very first client at one point in their careers. If they survived, then so can you. Here is a collection of tips that can help you handle the client of your very first big corporate video production.

Provide a breakdown of costs

One of the biggest concerns for people who hire a professional video production is the cost of the whole thing. Many people are shocked when they find out the total costs of putting together just one corporate video. When clients are blindsided by the costs, they may end up backing out of the project. Make sure you provide a breakdown of costs of the project when you sit down with the client.

Breaking down the cost of services, equipment, time, and the like will help the client understand why you have to charge that amount. If they’re working with a limited budget, you can work out terms and come to a compromise that will satisfy both parties.

Do not oversell – manage your client’s expectations

Some first-time video production sites make the mistake of overselling their videos to the clients. They promise them a corporate video that will rival the likes of what you find on the big screen, and the video production will make you weep and marvel at its glory.

While it’s important that you don’t undersell your business, be realistic about what you can provide the client. Meet with them to discuss what they want out of the project, and in what time frame they expect it in. Make sure the video samples you provide them are ones that you have actually worked on to give them a more realistic opinion of your skills.

Always communicate on a regular basis with the client

The best way to make your client happy is to always keep an open line of communication with them. Update them on a regular basis when notable progress has been made, and be honest with what’s going on with the corporate video production.

To save you and the client the trouble, have a single person of contact who will handle all of the client’s questions and concerns in order to alleviate their fears, and to lessen the amount of time you have to take out of a work day to answer them.