If you want to expand your company and boost the products and services you are offering, you can begin by opening yourself to the idea of having investors. They don’t have to get operational control of the company but you can offer them a small percentage of the profit in exchange for their money.

That’s a pretty good deal. But how do you attract investors? They can’t certainly listen to you talk for hours, right? You can produce a corporate video that will showcase the benefits of investing in your company and the unique business model that you have.

Tell the investors about your company’s history

One of the most important aspects that an investor looks into before investing is the kind of company that you are right now.

To make them understand your policies and the way you run your business, you have to tell them about your business’ history—where you started, how it came to be, how you grew and developed, etc. This will humanize the company and it will make the investors see you under a new light.

Show the investors the facilities and equipment

They also want to know what kind of facilities you have, as well as the equipment you are using to produce the products you are selling. Why do you need the additional investment? Maybe your equipment is obsolete and needs upgrading?

This is the “reason” why you need their money. You need to show them what your company can do with their money—that you intend to put that money into good use by purchasing high-tech equipment that will boost the production of the items for sale.

Highlight the products and services you are offering

What kind of products and services are you offering? Is the market responsive to it? Why? What are its benefits? To attract investors, they need to believe in your products and services. That means showing them what your products are capable of and how these products can make daily tasks easier, for example.

Provide a glimpse of the working environment

Your investors also want to see how you are treating your employees. You may want to have someone talk about working in your company, preferably one who has been with you from the beginning.

Showing that you care about your employees and their well-being through your corporate video will give you brownie points in the eyes of the investors. A good working environment is also good for the business and bodes well for future investments.