The Lakeland photography and videography industries are both really on the upswing. This can be mostly attributed to the fact that digital marketing is in high demand right now, and visual media like photography and videos are highly sought after by online consumers.

Because of all of these, there is a high demand for production houses that provide these services and a high level of interest in young professionals looking to join the industry. However, photography and videography are a lot more nuanced than simply carrying around a camera and pressing a button.

You’re going to need a lot of skill and put in a lot of work to make sure that you excel in this industry. To help you get started, here are some of the more basic skills you need to thrive in the Lakeland photography and videography industries.

Technical skills

Of course, first and foremost, you’re going to have to learn some specific tools and software to give yourself an edge in this industry. For starters, you have to learn how to use the gear that you’ve chosen for yourself.

A lot of people don’t realize how much work goes into creating a video or taking a photo until they have to do it themselves. Make sure you choose the gear that you’re comfortable with and learn how to use it properly.

Once you have a pretty good grasp on how to work with your gear, make sure that you learn a variety of editing tools that you can use for your work. It’s not necessary for you to learn everything that’s on the market right now, but it’s always good practice to be at least familiar with them and master a couple.

Creative skills

When you have the technical skills down, it’s time to move on to creative skills. Remember that Lakeland photography and videography is a creative field, and this is something that you’re definitely going to have to work on if you want to thrive in this industry.

Make sure that you learn how composition works in photography and videography, and learn how to inject your creativity into your work, whether it’s a photo or a video shoot. This is something that isn’t so easily taught, but if you put in enough work, it is something that you can definitely hone.

People skills

A common misconception about Lakeland photography and videography is that you can toil away at your work in solitude without having to worry about interacting with people. However, you do need to have good people skills, especially if you want to succeed in this industry.

You have to learn how to network with people, not to mention know how to work with your clients and the crew that you’re working with on the shoots themselves.