This 2019, YouTube has over 1.3 billion users and 300 hours of videos are being uploaded on the video-sharing platform every minute. Every day, five billion videos are being watched on YouTube. Can you imagine how stiff the competition is for your Lakeland drone videography to rank higher on the search results? It’s mind-blowing the amount of competition you have on the platform, so you need to focus on promoting your videos using keywords and SEO.

Here are the three tips you need to follow:

Do A Keyword Research

There are many ways you can search for the most popular keywords on YouTube. The freest and easiest way to do so is type a keyword in the search bar and wait for YouTube to come up with suggestions. You can believe that the suggestions are 100% accurate because these are the same search terms that YouTube users are using. YouTube is just giving you a hint on the high-traffic keywords.

You can also check the best and most viewed videos in your category. After you open the link, check the title, description, and video tags. They will contain the keywords. It is easy to see which keywords are used because they are all the same. For example, if the term video production appeared on the title, the description, and the video tags, it is obviously the keyword used for that post.

Choose The Best Keyword

After you have a list of the keywords, you need to choose the best keyword for your video. You can do this by choosing the least competitive keyword. Instead of using keywords with millions of search results, you can focus on long-tail and least competitive keywords.

To find out if a keyword is popular or not, you can look at the “about results” of the page. If it says “About 1,500,000 results,” it means you have 1.5 million competitors for the same keyword. Look for search results that only have a few hundreds of thousands.

Make High-Retention Videos

If you want your Lakeland drone videography to rank higher on YouTube, you need to keep people engaged. They need to watch through the whole thing because YouTube already went on record to say that audience retention is a huge factor in ranking the videos.

Your videos need to be engaging, informative, and entertaining. It must hook the viewers in the first five seconds. Otherwise, they won’t give you the time of the day.