After the contract has been signed and the paperwork finalized, it is finally time for your new hires’ onboarding process. The onboarding process is more than just training them to their new job or giving them tasks. A good onboarding process that uses Lakeland video production will make a world of difference between an employee who struggles during his first few days on the job and one who flourishes the moment he arrives.

The process of onboarding means introducing the new employees to the company policies, the processes and tools they need to get their work done, and the unit they will be working with for future projects.

One of the ways that you can make the onboarding process easier for new employees is to make a video that they can watch during the briefing and training period. In fact, many companies are now embracing the functions of videos that they decided to integrate it into their onboarding process. In one survey, 80% of the respondents said that videos will have a positive impact on the onboarding process of new employees. Their integration into the whole workflow will be smoother, the respondents said.

There are a variety of ways that you can use videos for the onboarding process. One of the most popular is to introduce the employees to the company, its history, mission and vision, and its goals. The companies who use videos for this purpose usually involve their top executives. It’s a great way to orient and introduce new hires to top management. The videos are usually used to introduce who’s behind the company, what they do, what their backgrounds are, and what their goals are for the company.

The videos can also be used to highlight the values of the company. Although these kinds of videos are mostly used in the recruitment process, it is also valuable in helping new employees understand what powers the company and its workers. It also helps them manage their expectations from the company’s management. If this is the type of values they espouse on their recruitment videos, surely that means the company will stay true to these values once the employee has been briefed and trained?

If you plan to use visuals for your company’s Lakeland video production, make sure that it is entertaining, engaging, and empowering. Focus on the message that you are trying to send to your new employees and make sure that it is clear on the videos you will let them watch. Also, it would be nice if your recruitment manager just didn’t leave them in a room to watch the video. At least one official from the company should be there with them when they watch the onboarding process so questions and any concerns can be answered immediately.