Owning a video production company is one of the most profitable business ventures these days. Since every small or big business is using videos to market their products and their services, the proliferation of video production businesses in the market is understandable. But together with the influx of these businesses is also the huge and tough competition that every business owner must face.

That means that if there are 1,000 prospective clients, you and the other video companies will have to compete for the right to represent these clients. So, how do you stand out from the rest of the pack? How can you attract clients to do business with your company?

Be unique and interesting

If you have to stand out as a video production business, you can be assured that other businesses—whether it’s a retail, food, or the service sector—is also looking for a video company that can make them stand out from the rest of their competitors.

Study what your competitors are creating and see which element of the video-producing process they do not focus on. Are the videos centered on events and special occasions? Do your competitors specialize in weddings and birthdays?

Then, maybe you can focus on doing videos for product placements such as commercials, TV jingles and ads, and many more? If you are alone in your chosen niche, you will have a better opportunity of attracting clients.

Build the best portfolio

The first thing that clients want to see from you is your portfolio. To attract clients, you need the best portfolio to present to them. If you are just starting in the business, you may have a hard time building a portfolio yet.

However, what you can do is make your own “clients.” Shoot and edit videos according to your target audience and what you believe they would like you to do for them. Through your portfolio, show your clients what skills you have and what extraordinary talent you have that can conceptualize an interesting video for them.

Use social media

Lastly, marketing your services is essential to getting the clients that you want. Create a Facebook page for your business and join groups that have the same interests as you. Use this platform to reach out to potential clients and to engage with current and past ones.

Your prospective clients need to see that you are approachable and that you try your best to answer every question and comments they may have.