With video content being as high in demand as it is now, more people are seeking out the services of Lakeland video production professionals. This is great for everyone involved, as this allows businesses to expand their marketing efforts, and it’s great for the people in the video production industry.

Unfortunately, some uneducated people assume that they can do the job that these video production professionals are doing, or that they know someone who can do the exact same job at a fraction of the cost. This causes a lot of frustration on both ends.

To help you understand this better, here is a simple breakdown of what you’re paying for when you hire a professional Lakeland video production company. You will find out that you’re paying for a lot more than just someone to hold the camera and press “record”.

The actual video recording

This step is what most people perceive to take up the majority of the production process. It’s easy to see why, as this is the most visible step to most clients. However, you should understand that even if this is what you think video production is, it is by no means easy.

This requires having the professional be on their feet all day, directing people. It also requires that they rely on their experience and skill to capture the best angles and lighting to bring out the best of the video.

These skills do not come without their cost, which is why it is included in what you’re paying for when you hire a professional video production service.

The video production gear

Another significant thing that you’re going to be paying for when you hire a professional to handle your production services is the gear used in the production process.

While you might have a nephew who knows their way around a smartphone camera, that has nothing on professional camera equipment that is needed for professional-quality videos. The gear that they use is an investment in their business and is part of the cost that the client has to expect.

Post-production is where everything comes together

The most skill-intensive part of the Lakeland video production process is something that most clients don’t get to see and is a large part of the cost of these services.

Post-production is where all of the parts come together to give you the final video that people see. This takes a lot of time and work, which is why this is a significant chunk of the cost of video production services.